Capturing the art of car design in wire
Born into a car obsessed family in the 1970s, Chris had an early exposure to being in and around anything with four wheels which led later to becoming actively involved with cars as a major hobby. As a baby, Chris had car parts as ceiling mobiles, so there really wasn't much hope of anything else!
Father and grandfather were engineers, and mother had an art background which had an early influence on Chris during his upbringing.
This culminated in a career as an engineer but more recently combining this with his passion for art, design and cars, particularly from the classic eras, which has led to Chris establishing himself as an independent artist focusing on the specialist skill of wire car art.
Inspired by the car body making skills and techniques of the past, Chris aims to capture the art and beauty of car design in scale through the medium of wire.
Chris has exhibited at numerous events and exhibitions both in the UK and abroad.